Over dinner we talk about our resolutions or "revolutions" as my 10 year old calls it for the new year. Oh that girl she cracks us up. They all had great ones for 2018.
After dinner we move on to the game night. Last night we played a couple spy games and then ended with Life which took us to midnight. It is interesting to watch the kids play this game and see which "path" they decide to take at their age. I know for our 13 year old who had multiple offers to go to parties for New Years Eve that it may have been hard for him to stay in with his family. But for us it is a time to be with family and while he is still young we will are going to enjoy that time. On a night like last night we don't want our kids out on the roads and it is a big reason we stay in for the night. There are too many people who just don't make good choices and decide to drink and drive and so we don't want to have to worry about our kids. In the end he and all of us had a great time. We look forward to 2018 and all it has to offer....