I live in Wisconsin. This year our winter weather has been interesting. We have had multiple days of late starts at school because the roads from ice rain were poor. Today we have a full on Snow Day. So, our son was bored because "there is nothing to do" so we said go chip away at the ice outside. Yep, we are those parents. So, from this picture you can see what is on our driveway is not snow. It is a full on sheet of ice. The streets are even worse with an inch of ice. We have put salt down and our city has been salting, but it is what it is. We live in the midwest! :)
My kids LOVE that our elementary school does a science fair every year. It is always within a week of coming back from winter break. This year is our LAST YEAR doing a science fair. I am excited? Uh yeah I despise the week of Science Fair. In the past the science fair board and everything has fallen to me to get done with the kids. I am not a science person. I really am not. Could care less. Is that bad? Sorry, but I am not sorry. My husband, we call him Dr. Science. He loves the science fair. And to be honest he is the one who gets the kids all excited and then says he will help with it and who ends up doing the board? Yep me! This year I put my foot down and said this is all you. Well let's just say today has been an interesting day for him.... But in the end this is the last time we will do a science fair with our kids. And I think the magical bouncing bubbles is going to be one for the books....
For Christmas our kids were so obsessed with getting some of this gooey stuff. I am not even sure what it is, but they sculpt it into stuff and pull it apart. And even get it stuck on blankets (don't even ask me where that blanket is now...). And it doesn't come out of anything. But this stuff is magnetic. So, they can stick things to it and covers the item. It is pretty cool to watch. Fun for a snowy or rainy day when they are bored for sure.
This time of year you can pretty much guarantee that if you are looking for me on the weekend I am either at basketball or soccer. Our youngest is a fierce little tornado on the court. Sassy as sassy can be. She's got some serious spunk and sometimes it makes me laugh watching her.
My sweet girl. Some days she comes home in high spirits and then other days we have this going on. Migraines have become a regular thing for her and we are trying to work through them. Snuggling with Sox and trying to sleep seems to help many times.
Who doesn't love popcorn? It is a treat we love to enjoy at my house. We especially love Boys Scout popcorn in the Kettle corn flavor. Mmmm mmm good!
This is how my son does homework. We are constantly telling him to sit at a table but this is how he is comfortable. He will be a teenager in less than a month, so I guess this is just how it is. So, we just let it go. But as an "old" person it makes me think about serious back pain. HA!
Yes it is like the movie Groundhog Day. Every time she has homework this tends to be how we find her at the kitchen table. Homework is a struggle that is the reality with a little girl who is so active. Trying to sit down and focus on only this can be tough. But, she gets through it each time and I may possibly get a few more gray hairs each time. Someday maybe it will be easier for her, but for now we will keep pushing through...
This is Daisy Sparkles. She is our "puppy" at 5 years old. Yep, she still acts like a puppy. You can pretty much guarantee our son had no voice in the naming of this dog. HA! Our girls were so positive that she needed to have a middle name and so that is why we call her Daisy Sparkles. We love her, but boy does she test us and our sweet Sox who is 11 years old. If you leave the house no matter how much time you are gone her response is still the same one of which you would think she had not seen you in years with how happy and flying around the house in joy.
Our youngest daughter seems to be one who just love to try almost everything. There a few things she has had no interest in trying, like Volleyball, but give her a soccer ball or a basketball and she is all in! Her travel season of basketball kicked off this weekend. I had so much fun watching her! She tends to bring her spitfire to the court, by waving her arms to distract someone throwing in the ball, or yelling to her teammates that she is open or calling out the set they are doing. It can be exhausting for her to play 3 or more games in one day, but I don't think she would give it up if she had to. We love to have our kids do what they want to do. We don't push them into anything everything is their decision. There are days we will see her on the basketball court dancing away and providing lots of entertainment to her teammate and family. And then other times she has a look of determination that she may be small, but she is fierce!
July 2019
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