As a way of testing and pushing myself I continue to enter my pictures into weekly theme contests on various Photography pages. I had entered just before Christmas the below image on the Finding Wonder page for their theme of {Deep} and to my surprise it was selected as one of the Top 5. It was such an honor. The other images that were selected are absolutely breathtaking. You must go out and check their blog here. And I am grateful to Jessica at Yeah She Snaps! Photography who was the guest judge that selected my image. She is an amazing photographer who I look up to.
The funny thing is about this image is that I was actually going to delete it when I first uploaded it from my camera. Yep, that's right. I thought the picture was just not right. But, then before hitting the delete key I changed it to Black and White and it was like magic to me. It is because of my friends in photography that I take these chances and instead of just hitting delete and I keep trying and focusing forward. :) So, I hope for you that you too can focus forward and instead of just deleting what you think is no good keep working at it!